I'm Chaz, known across the web as CheTranqui1. I began my journey into Software Development informally in 2017 in pursuit of another way to improve at a game I played at the time (Heroes of the Storm). I've been drawn to programming ever since. I have experience with Java, C#, and JavaScript and can't wait to get started in this new career.
Noteworthy Projects
The following projects have been substantial in my learning:
My current side-project is creating my own personalized sudoku. It was very challenging to develop a worthwhile algorithm for board generation, but with that now in place I'm iterating on the features to make it an ideal experience.
What I Learned
New projects should begin as an MVP, then be refined. The original algorithm randomly placed numbers from the first square's top row into the second's middle or bottom and continued as such with placing specific numbers in particular locations randomly. It was bulky and no more accurate than this final version. I found this version when I got to square number 5 and had to take all directions of collisions into account. Extrapolating that provided this nicely succinct result.
GitHub YouTube Website
What Inspired Me To Become A Developer
To help me learn how to draft better in Heroes of the Storm I created a minigame that would let me draft against professional teams and critique my choices. Most people start off with 'Hello World', I started off with C#, Unity, and how to import data from a JSON file.
I played Dragonrealms (a MUD) during my teenage years and revisited it again in 2018. To make travel quicker and simpler I made a script called "Go Anywhere". It uses pivot points that are connected via major corridors, and moves the character using a destination variable (%D) where %Dto%D results in arrival. It has approximately 300 starting and ending locations and starts by typing ".go place". It also has an in-game menu and directions on arrival.
In 2018 I was enjoying a newer game called Empires & Puzzles. Documentation was sparce as it only had a basic wiki (90 pages, all incomplete hero cards). Over the next 4 months I created over 300 pages, organizing the content into small logical pieces and building the backbone of what it is today. When I started it got less than 1000 views per month. In January of 2021 it had over 600,000 views.